How To Plan A Wedding On A Budget And Still Have Everything You Want

how to save on your wedding

We know times are tight, and you may not have a bottomless wallet to burn a never ending hole in your bank balance for that all-out wedding you’d hoped to plan. But we’re not talking about switching to a reception down at your local pub, or getting a lift from your nan’s neighbour to the venue. You still want to get married in style, and married in style you shall, with this handy guide. We’re going to talk you through some top tips on how to plan a wedding on a budget that still ticks all the boxes, and feels just as luxurious as you desire.

Read on to find out how you can save money, and still have the perfect wedding!

The Jewels

If you’re anything like us, sourcing the perfect bridal jewellery is going to be high on your list of priorities. Jewels are, let’s face it, expensive at the best of times. So it’s a good idea to browse carefully before blowing half your budget in a frenzied spontaneous purchase. Online catalogue sites that present multiple brands selling everything from bridal necklaces to garters will help you compare prices. These sites often have sales on too, so you might save by shopping through a larger directory than directly through smaller boutiques.

When you shop at THE ICONIC via Qantas Shopping, you can also earn Qantas Points with your purchase. And that will come in very handy when you’re planning your honeymoon, which we’ll talk more about later. They’re also a good place to go to look for bridesmaid dresses, bridal robes, small table decorations and wedding invitation kits.

The Venue

Undoubtedly your choice of venue is going to be responsible for the biggest chunk out of your wedding budget. On the other hand, that also means there’s more scope for saving money in this area, if you go about it smartly. Scout about in advance, way in advance, and you’ll be more likely to secure a better price. Of course, most people tend to get married on a Friday or Saturday, so if you’re not fussed about having a grand old party then look at quieter days mid-week.

However, if you’re open to a more intimate celebration, consider quieter days mid-week, which might also give you more options when choosing your marriage celebrant. Another hot tip? Look at dates with less demand. Anything around Christmas, Valentine’s Day or during the summer is going to see peak interest. If you’re not superstitious, look at venues on Friday 13th. In Italy, 22nd July is considered by some to be an unpopular date to get married - but that also means you may be able to get a good deal on a venue. And if choosing that day for your wedding frees up a decent portion of your budget - it seems like a pretty good option, especially if your heart is set on tying the knot along the Amalfi coast!

The Dress

First things first, let’s be clear. The dress is not the be-all and end-all of a great wedding, and if you can’t afford, or simply don’t want to spend thousands on something you'll only wear once, do not despair. There are still tricks to finding the perfect gown to walk down the aisle, that will help you feel as special as you deserve to, and don’t require a second mortgage.

First of all, rootle around the attics and wardrobes of your relatives. Perhaps your mother, grandmother or aunt has a beautiful wedding dress waiting to have life breathed into it again. So long as they’re happy with it, you can take it to a seamstress and have adjustments made to turn it into a dress that looks and fits as though it’s been made just for you - whilst honouring your family too. The same goes for vintage pieces you may find in charity shops or thrifty pop-ups. Don’t be afraid to alter the dress to suit your style and body, and make it yours. 

The Party

A party is what you make it, and if your guests are there for the right reasons, they’ll be content to see you and your partner sharing in one of the happiest days of your life. Why not get them on board for your entertainment - see if you have any musically talented friends who would like to perform or family members who would be happy to do a reading.

At the end of the day, all you really need is a gazebo, a chilly bin, a speaker and some fairy lights to form the bare bones to a great shindig. You’ll have as many photographers as there are guests with smartphones to capture every moment from every angle. A good speech costs nothing, and can often be one of the most memorable moments of the night.

The Honeymoon

If you’re feeling like a romantic getaway-style honeymoon in a foreign country is out of your hands, it’s time to open up your incognito browser, and do some digging. There are always deals, there are (nearly always) flight sales, and there is always an off-season for even the most touristy of places. Do some research into the off-peak destinations around your chosen date. And if you’re set on one country in particular, find out when the cheapest time of year to go is. If it’s worth waiting for, you’ll be extra glad you did when it rolls around, even if it’s a few months after your wedding day.

And for the record, who said you needed to fly far away to enjoy your honeymoon anyway? Flights are still going to be expensive even if you book them at the cheapest times, and there’s always something closer to home that will still feel just as special. Remember that couples travel from all over the world to spend their honeymoon in Australia, and with such a vast and beautiful array of landscapes on your doorstep, you’re spoilt for choice. Spending a couple of weeks in the beautiful Whitsundays, exploring the wonders of Western Australia, or getting lost in the tropical forests of Northern Queensland will provide you with amazing memories to last for a lifetime.

As you can see, planning a wedding doesn’t need to be stressful or disheartening, even if it’s tempting to feel limited by your funds. Getting creative and spending your money wisely will ensure you still have everything you wished for. The most important thing is spending a day with your partner and loved ones, to celebrate the love and commitment you have for each other - and you can do that for free.

Posted by Vanessa Roberts